James Sundquist statement on Rick Warrens invitation

June 1, 2008

My brother in the Lord James Sundquist sent me this stament in the comments section of another article here on my blog. Since it was a public statement I am publishing it in this post for all to see. Tim

Open Letter and James Sundquist Response to Rick Warren and Erik Rees

Dear Rick Warren & Erik Rees,

I am in receipt of both of your invitations to your May 20-22, 2008 PDC Conference, enclosed at the end of this letter. I am compelled to respond after praying and seeking the multitude of Godly counsel.

I was a little surprised to finally hear from you years after I first confronted you by email but never heard back from you, or any time since both of my books on you were published. I was further surprised that you would send an invitation with such short notice to plan a trip there. You have required that I remain silent for three days before I am allowed to speak. The Apostle Paul did not teach that we are required to remain silent if what we are presented with is false teaching.

I am further surprised at this invitation because from your own lips you stated that you did not respond to detractors. You also would have to consider me a 21st Century enemy, since I am what you call a Fundamentalist Christian. If I am the false teacher, then you need to expose and rebuke me publicly before your church, this conference, and the church at large. But your must refute me from Scripture. You have invoked Matthew 5:44-46, positioning yourself as the victim being persecuted. You have rendered me the enemy with this quote. The Apostle Peter says it is of no credit if you are being persecuted and deserve the persecution. Which one of the Apostles and Prophets of old have ever presented the demon-possessed, the demonically-inspired, the homosexual activist, the atheist, the spiritists, the mystics, and the necromancers favorably to the people, as you have done inside as well as outside of your Purpose Driven Life book? The answer: none of them. And when did Jesus teach his Disciples to do anything like that? Same question applies to your interview with Charlie Rose, August 17, 2006, when you said you told Eric Sawyer, gay activist leader: “how can I help you get your message out?” And yet you invite Senator Obama to speak at your church, who celebrates and now endorses the California Supreme Court Decision making gay marriage legal, above the Word of the Living God. You have put the church in great peril by both your actions and appearance of evil. Jesus and his Apostles would never have countenanced your promotion of such an abomination. In your USA Today Interview 7/21/03, you stated that Mormonism was just another Christian denomination rather than a false religion, in which Mormon Doctrine, Jesus has a brother named Lucifer, easily refuted by John 3:16 which states that Jesus is the ONLY begotten Son. One of their baptism songs teach that you go back to be with God. Your gospel presented in the Ladies Home Journal is not The Gospel but another gospel! Former Roman Catholic priest Richard Bennett has proven that your Roman Catholic Purpose Driven teachings are apostate. The Apostle Paul preached Christ crucified in synagogues. Rick Warren preaches no gospel in synagogues.

You state that I do not know your motivation. To a great extent that is not relevant. I do not even know you personally; it is your teaching that I oppose publicly, for your teachings are public and damnable heresies! And a good tree does not produce corrupt fruit!

If you have read either of my books: Who’s Driving the Purpose Driven Church or Rick Warren’s Global Peace Plan vs. Scriptural Teachings on Peace about you, which are published by Southwest Radio Church, you would know what my motivations are, and that is to compare your teachings to Scripture as every good Berean must do, as well as to help bring the Balm of Gilead to the wounded saints in response to the host of calls and letters I continue to receive from churches throughout the world who have been split or destroyed by your teachings and unbiblical enforced covenants you have implemented.

I am perfectly ready and eager to meet with you publicly when I have received a letter on your letterhead that you are ready to repent publicly before your own congregation and the church at large for your extensive false teachings. Your letter must include making restitution to all of those saints whom you have left strewn and dismembered by the propeller of your Purpose-Driven Ship, and renounce your Jung-rooted occult-based Personality Profiling. Upon receipt of this letter,I will then stand with you before the public and rejoice with you. You should also go on Fox News and renounce the infomercials they have run in your behalf.

Speaking of invitations, I invite you and the members of your church to read my articles on your SHAPE program published in:

Sept 2007 Journal of Apologetics: Vol 10, California Biblical University and Seminary P.O. Box 7447, Orange, CA 92863, 1-800-41-TRUTH (1-800-418-7884) / http://www.cbusedu.org


A Critique of the Purpose-Driven Life, Part I & II, The Conservative Theological Journal Volume 9, No. 27, and Volume 9 no. 28, August, Sept, 2005, Tyndale Theological Seminary, http://www.conservativeonline.org


Listen to Dr. John MacArthur’s Audio Sermon 3:14 minute excerpt exposing the apostasy of Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life book:

I am biblically justified and mandated to oppose you because you are a wolf in sheep’s clothing and a destroyer of the brethren, masquerading as a servant of righteousness.

Until the Lord grants you repentance, I am not willing to attend your conference this week or any of your Global Peace Plan training conferences, but will continue to oppose you by speaking and preaching publicly in writing and on the various national and international radio programs I frequent.

These Scriptures will also confirm why I will not attend your training conference:

Ephesians 5:11
II John 10
Titus 3:10
Galatians Chapter One
Book of Jude

Sincerely in Christ,

James Sundquist
Rock Salt Publishing


Pastor Bob DeWaay Redefining Christianity, Understanding the Purpose Driven Movement, http://www.cicstore.org/servlet/the-1/Redefining-Christianity–dsh–Understanding/Detail
Warren Smith, Deceived on Purpose, http://www.eaec.org/bookstore/books/deceived_on_purpose.htm
Dr. Noah Hutchings, The Dark Side of the Purpose Driven Church, Southwest Radio Church, swrc.com
Tamara Hartzel, In the Name of Purpose, http://www.inthenameofpurpose.org/
Loren Davis, The Purpose Driven Life is Unscriptural, http://www.lorendavis.com/articles_pdl-unscr.pdf
Roger Oakland, Faith Undone, Lighthousetrails.com
David Cloud, Purpose Driven or Scripture Driven, http://www.wayoflife.org (just released, not posted yet, but available)
Lynn & Sarah Leslie, Susan J. Conway,Pied Pipers of Purpose, http://www.discernment-ministries.com/Purpose_Driven.pdf
Lynn & Sarah Leslie, What is Transformation, http://www.newswithviews.com/Leslie/sarah.htm
Berit Kjos, Spirit Led or Purpose Driven, http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/2003/1-purpose.htm &
Rick Warren’s Peace Plan and UN Goal, http://www.crossroad.to/araticle2/05/peace-un-3.htm
Jewel Grewe, Discernment Ministries, http://www.discernment-ministries.com/Purpose_Driven.pdf
Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon, Audio Critique: Purpose Driven Life, http:www.bereancall.org
Richard Bennett, The Adulation of Man in The Purpose Driven Life, http://www.bereanbeacon.org/articles_pdf/rick_warren_purpose_driven.pdf &
The Purpose Driven Life: Demeaning the Very Nature of God, http://www.bereanbeacon.org/articles_pdf/rick_warren_purpose_driven_2.pdf
Pastor Gary Gilley, The Purpose-Driven Life: An Evaluation – Part 1, by Gary E. Gilley, http://www.svchapel.org/Resources/ Articles/read_articles.asp?ID=1
Ray Yungen, A Time of Departing, Lighthousetrails.com
Brian Flynn, Running Against the Wind, Lighthousetrails.com
Jacob Prasch, Moriel Ministries, http://www.moriel.org/
Philip Powell, Director, Contending Earnestly for the faith, Australia, http://www.christian-witness.org/docs/WarrenResources.doc
Ken Silva, Director, Christian Research Net, http://christianresearchnetwork.com
Paula (Qeylar) & Jason, Director, http://www.purposedrivel.com/
Susan Bertalotto, Simplicityinchrist.org
James Clifton, http://purposedrivendrivel.blogspot.com/
Sue Winter, Birds of a Feather, http://www.abrahamic-faith.com/James/BIRDSOFFEATHERPDF.pdf
Mike Corley, Resisting The Purpose Driven,Published March 25th, 2008 by Editor in Purpose Driven, Resisting The Purpose Driven on The Mike Corley Program
Not all of what is involved with the Purpose Driven Life movement is warm and fuzzy. On this program, Mike shares yet another tragic story of someone who dared to question the purpose driven lie.
Today, the testimony of two men in Virginia who resisted the 40 Days of Purpose in their church and the shocking,but sadly, not surprising results of their unwillingness to compromise and follow the PDL. Click here to listen now.
Pastor Larry DeBruyn, Church on the Rise: Why I am not a Purpose-Driven Pastor, http://www.crosstalkamerica.com/shows/2008/01/why_i_am_not_a_purpose_driven.php
Deborah Dombroski, Lighthouse Trails Research, http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/researchtopics.htm
Ingrid Schleuter, Slice of Laodicea http://www.sliceoflaodicea.com/?cat=21 & Crosstalk, VCY America Radio, http://www.crosstalkamerica.com/mt/mt-search.cgi?search=Rick+Warren
Sarah Leslie, Herescope, Discernment Research Group, http://herescope.blogspot.com/2008/01/rick-warren-brian-mclaren-at-davos.html
Paul Proctor, News with Views, http://www.newswithviews.com/PaulProctor/proctor114.htm
Professor Johan Malan, South Africa, Rick Warren Waters Down the Gospel, http://www.bibleguidance.co.za/Engarticles/Rick.htm
Dean Gotcher, The Church Growth, Emerging Church – Daiprax Agenda – The Diabolical Practices of ‘Ministers’ Across America Today by Dean Gotcher, Authority Research, 12/12/06
Orrel Steinkamp, Schuller Planted, Hybels Watered, Warren (Peter Drucker) Gives The Increase, The Plumbline, Volume 10, No. 3, November/December 2005 he cross ends up obscured. When the cross is obscured sinners go unsaved.
Dr. Robert Klenck, Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life: A Rebuttal, http://www.johncoleman.org/Bob%20Klenck%20Page.htm
Mac Dominick, Rebuilding the Tower of Babel, http://www.cuttingedge,org
Mike Oppenheimer, A Global Peace Plan, http:www.letusreason.org/Poptea26.htm
Al Dager, Media Spotlight, http://www.mediaspotlight.org
William Alnor, Spiritual Counterfeits Project Resource List Concerning Rick Warren and the Purpose Drive Life , http://www.christian-witness.org/docs/WarrenResources.doc.
Pastor Perry Rockwood, The People’s Gospel Hour, Canada, http://www.tpgh.org/

3 Responses to “James Sundquist statement on Rick Warrens invitation”

  1. George said

    Thank you for publishing this letter. I was on the web searching for something concrete to forward to a bible teacher at my former church, Harvest Bible Chapel, RM IL (James MacDonald’s church). We were learning about Pre, Post and Amillenial viewpoints last night and a student asked the question, ‘Is there one view over another that could cause one to be decieved by the antichrist?’. A resounding “YES” came from a woman in the room – “Post millenial!” She then made a statement that Rick Warren was post millenial. The teacher, was surprised to hear that and said he would have to look that up. Just thought I’d help him with the research, and that’s when I found you. Thanks for posting.

  2. lela said

    I am in agreement that opening one’s pulpit to pro-abortion advocates is wrong. Can you possibly add names to the other accusations listed here?

    “The Apostle Peter says it is of no credit if you are being persecuted and deserve the persecution. Which one of the Apostles and Prophets of old have ever presented the demon-possessed, the demonically-inspired, the homosexual activist, the atheist, the spiritists, the mystics, and the necromancers favorably to the people, as you have done inside as well as outside of your Purpose Driven Life book?”



    You are not going to believe the following… Have you ever heard of such a thing in your realm…forcing a pastor to take psychological testing by extortion, then holding his severance package hostage if he doesn’t sign a waiver revealing doctor/patient confidentiality to the District Supt. of a the Christian and Missionary Alliance? Isn’t this against the law (a crime), a violation of his civil rights? Conflict of interest (how does the psychologist who Spriggs picks have the best interest of the patient in mind vs. the interest of the C&MA leaders and PDC/Emerging Church agenda)? Spriggs as the D.S. could then us the information from the psychologist against Pastor Iddings as fuel to oust him. Instead of Spriggs attacking Iddings, he should search the country for more Gideons like Iddings. And does anyone know the compensation and and retirement packages that C&MA District Directors and Vice Presidents (John Soper) get?

    Isn’t there a statute against it? Don’t people go to prison for extortion like this? This has got to be a pastor’s worst nightmare!


    James Sundquist

    Rock Salt Publishing

    From: James Sundquist
    Date: October 9, 2008 12:11:31 PM EDT
    To: rock.salt@verizon.net
    Subject: How Wayne Spriggs Snuffed out C&MA Pastor and Church in Pennslvania; Extorts Pastor to break Law in Counseling Confidentiality Bribe; Jim Grumbine Collaborator

    Dear Pastors, Workers, and Members of the C&MA in Pennsylvania and Members of the Media and Church Discernment Ministries in the U.S. and Canada,

    What follows is a brief summary and case study of how Wayne Spriggs systematically destroyed a good and God-fearing pastor and his church.

    A number of C&MA pastors revert to the reversion clause in the C&MA Constitution to defend Wayne Spriggs, District Superintendent for Eastern Pennsylvania, but the Reversion Clause (though I believe is a license to steal) can not be invoked capriciously, arbitrarily, without due process outlined in the C&MA Constitution, and without just cause.

    Secondly, the Reversion Clause is unilateral, with virtually no accountability of the District or Headquarters. A local pastor or church should be able to prevent the seizure of its property, assets, bank accounts by the C&MA District, if it can document that the C&MA doctrines and teachings have been compromised or apostate, such as Wayne Spriggs has trotted into his district. The C&MA should not automatically be able to seize the property because the pastor or the congregation refuse to be psychologized with science falsely so-called such as SMART and SHAPE. Wayne Spriggs nit-picks over a miniscule percentage of the church’s income that was used to pay for the phone long distance calls, Internet, Bob Idding’s vacation time, and thereby straining at a gnat, while he swallows a camel of false teacher Rick Warren and Emerging Church teachers , and seizes Reedsville C&MA bank and property worth exponentially more…even though even this was all paid for by its members not him, not the District, and not the C&MA Headquarters. So how much money did the Spriggs personally or corporately through the C&MA District contribute to Reedsville C&MA Church? He wants to save the church’s money by taking it ALL? He wants pinch pennies over the cost of ink cartridges for Bob Iddings’ computer, but is willing to pay $80 a session to a psychologist Bob Iddings doesn’t even need…even Reedsville C&AM Church members and other leaders in the C&MA don’t even think he needed. This is a classic ambush by false accuser of the brethren! They make it sound like his severance package was a gift or welfare and then have the gall to attack him personally for rightfully stating his belief that he was entitled to his vacation pay and severance package. This is all vested…you don’t earn it after the fact of your firing or resignation. You should ask for what you are entitled to as a good steward of your wife, family, and daughter. Bob Iddings deserved it. To humiliate him for asking, then make threats if you don’t behave according to his warped concept of behavior is a stench in the nostrils of the Lord. They make it sound like this all came of out of their pockets. Then we found it bizarre that Wetzel would ask Bob Iddings to reconsider resigning after he told Bob Iddings that they would not renew his license in 2009. And why would Spriggs want to redeploy him if Pastor Iddings had not demonstrated any turnaround and remained unrepentant? Why doesn’t Spriggs use Scripture such as the seven churches in Revelation to determine what is a healthy church as criteria instead of the numerology and sorcery of this world’s philosophy and science falsely so-called such as SMART psychometrics, let alone demand of Bob Iddings what even John Soper agrees is illegal..that is force him to sign a waiver that the psychologist that Spriggs chose (not Iddings choice) divulge confidential information to Wayne Spriggs. If anyone can’t see that this isn’t Big Brother, they need their eyes examined. This alone reveals Spriggs true colors! Why isn’t it Spriggs credentials that are revoked. The victim pays and the plunderer goes free! Spriggs thinks he is the victim, yet he got all of Reedsville bank account and property, the members get nothing but an empty bag they are now holding. Even if Spriggs wants to take out personal vengeance on Bob Iddings, why did he insist on making his whole congregation pay? Answer: He is an expert in greed and the C&MA’s global agenda! I am shocked that out of over two thousand C&MA pastors and workers in the U.S. and Canada, so few showed even an ounce of compassion for the members of Bob Idding’s church in Eastern Pennsylvania. Spriggs did not help Bob Iddings or the members of this church, but deserted them…that is clear from his own testimony! Wayne Spriggs came unhinged and attacked Bob Iddings because two former adherents made charges against Spriggs. But how are they inappropriate if they are true? And if these two were former adherents, Pastor Bob Iddings would no longer have any authority over them anyway. If even Daniel Wetzel states that Spriggs decision to revoke Bob Iddings’ license was to force compliance with DEXCOM recommendations, why isn’t he or Soper forcing Spriggs to make restitution and restoration to Bob Iddings and his congregation and disciplining Spriggs? MR. SPRIGGS AND MR. SOPER, GIVE THE CHURCH BACK TO PEOPLE OF REEDSVILLE AND MAKE RESTITUTION TO STILL ANOTHER PASTOR AND MORE BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST THAT YOU HAVE DESTROYED! Spriggs behaves illegally and is rewarded, and Bob Iddings behaved legally and he and his congregation are punished. Even if Mr. Fred Joost stated that Bob Iddings and his church had done nothing wrong and had done nothing to be ashamed of, yet 99.% of the C&MA pastors and workers who were emailed deserted Bob Iddings and his church or blamed him and the messengers of this alert, and almost none blamed Spriggs, why did he not record his objection in the Dexcom Recommendations? But even though the C&MA has does not care that this happened to Reedsville, they had better watch out if they think it can’t happen to them. They had better watch out if they don’t conform to the numerology of their SMART psychometrics and usurping the office of the Holy Spirit as though they can measure spirituality, particularly with the tools of men. And even though they don’t care, we will continue to notify the church at large and the media, who do care! No wonder the C&MA is getting such a bad reputation. THAT IS BOTH THE APPEARANCE OF EVIL AS WELL AS ACTUAL EVIL! But the C&MA leaders will not get away with this forever, as their sin will find them out!

    News Release:

    September 24, 2008

    Christian & Missionary Alliance Leader Named in Fraud & Extortion Scheme

    District Superintendent Wayne Spriggs Seizes Reedsville Bank Account and Church Property

    On the heels of the C&MA Headquarters being sued for stealing $18,000 bank account and $650,000 church property of a Chinese church in Colorado Springs, and more recently a Vietnamese Boat People Church, in Long Beach California, the Eastern Pennsylvania District of the C&MA as now hijacked another church. And just like the national bank crisis is about real estate, this case of greed is about real estate. But unlike the national bank crisis, the leaders of the Wall Street giants are not blaming it on the investor, while the C&MA is blaming it on the pastor and members of this local church who invested in it. Their punishment? Steal their property! And unlike the current national bank crisis collapse and corruption with Fanny Mae, Freddie Mack, and Leeman Brothers, the C&MA loots church bank accounts in the name of Jesus. This time in Reedsville, Pennsylvania, spearheaded by Wayne Spriggs, District Director, who has a history of threatening people.

    The Summary Letter by former C&MA Credentialed Pastor Bob Iddings, Reedsville Christian & MIssionary Alliance Church, Reedsville, Pennsylvania:


    “But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” (Eze 33:6 AV)
    The Christian and Missionary Alliance has seized another church, its parsonage and its bank account, this time by the hands of Wayne Spriggs, District Superintendent of the Eastern Pennsylvania District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance and its District Executive Committee.

    A disgruntled adherent from our church who was displeased when she did not get her way, called our District Superintendent, Wayne Spriggs, and insisted on a congregational meeting in an attempt to have me removed from the church and “to ruin me”. Although a congregational meeting was not held, what was to follow was a nightmare for our church adherents and myself.

    It was a known fact by our District Superintendent that another church in our community who was currently renting space was interested in our church property, which we feel was at the root of what was to ensue, as Wayne Spriggs is attempting to close many of our small churches to acquire money to fund start up of new mega/emergent churches which he believes is the direction our churches should be going. He is opposed to the small churches and feels that they lack the ability and resources to evangelize.

    Wayne Spriggs knowing that I am a man who stands for what he believes, forced my hand by demanding certain requirements to be met by myself and my church people or face closure of the church. He knew we would not agree to his terms, thus forcing my resignation. However, he did not allow us the time we asked for to prepare for closure, but came to our church one Sunday evening with the news the church would be closed, and the next day came and confiscated all financial records and immediately went to the bank and withdrew all the churches funds. Although the church was slated to close in two weeks, there was never another service held at the church and the church adherents were not notified, only to come to the church the following Sunday to find a sign on the door that there would be no services for the next two weeks.

    During this time, Wayne made accusations of misconduct on my part to have DEXCOM issue a decree that I was forbidden to attend prayer conference scheduled during the same week he closed the church. This was done in an attempt to keep other churches and pastors from knowing what had happened. During the months that followed, Wayne refused to allow me to attend meetings held by DEXCOM and LO&CC concerning my situation and when I was asked to meetings with a few of his hand chosen representatives, I was not permitted to bring anyone with me as a witness and I was denied written copies of minutes of those meetings. In addition, when I was cleared of all charges, Wayne immediately had LO&CC suspend my license for failure to follow through with his demands without following proper procedures set forth by the constitution of the C&MA. Although I had challenged him on several occasions concerning his mishandling of the proper procedures to be followed, he chose to disregard my concerns and proceeded forward with his erroneous handling of the situation. I later appealed this to our National Office who found that proper procedures were not followed and asked that he reinstate my license, which he refused to do until I wrote a letter resigning my credentials with the C&MA.

    During this entire ordeal, our family was going through a crisis with our daughter who was facing surgery the day after we were told the church would close for possible iliac cancer. Wayne showed no compassion for our situation, nor did he or anyone from the district ever inquire about my daughter’s condition or situation. His only concern was that we be out of the parsonage by May 31st, of which he reminded us on several occasions. He lacked any concern for the fact that we had no job, no income and limited time to find housing due to our family crisis.
    Our church was financed through a local mortgage company and we have been totally debt free for at least 12 years. To my knowledge we never had any loans from the C&MA’s Alliance Development Fund…so they would not even have grounds for foreclosure or lien. But it really wasn’t even our property or even our money, these were the monies given by our people to God as tithes and offerings. What they (the C&MA) have taken is God’s, not man’s. I know we were small, but the spiritual growth in the last few years has been great. God called me here to combat those who were trying to control and corrupt His church and be a witness to this community and even as Philip (Acts 8:26) was called to go into the desert to witness to one man.
    The Christian and Missionary Alliance is no longer true to the scriptural principles on which it was founded. They are embracing the emergent church movement and will not hesitate to enforce their reversionary clauses and liquidate any churches assets or confiscate funds in order to move forward with their new agenda and fund these new churches. Let this serve as a warning, your church could be next!!! Robert Iddings, former Christian & Missionary Alliance pastor

    This hostile takeover by the C&MA is nothing new, but in fact, follows a well published pattern of devouring their own brothers in Christ. Here are two recent pending cases: The C&MA’s seizure of the C&MA Chinese church story entitled: “Suing for Reconciliation” is available in Christianity Today Magazine [See: http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/june/3.16.html%5D and the Colorado Springs Gazette: “Congregation Suing District after its Home is Sold” [see: http://www.gazette.com/articles/congregation_38941___article.html/district_home.html%5D. Also read the comments on that article. Here is one of oft recommend posts by Rocksalt [see other posts too]:

    “My highest commendation to Gazette Reporter Marc Barna..his story was NO SPIN…very balanced! I wrote three documentaries on the C&MA. The truth about what the C&MA did is even more sinister and evil than the article reflects. The account by the Chinese members is correct. A public relations nightmare for the C&MA either way the court case goes. One clarification re The “Reversion Clause” is that “accredited”, though it makes it much easier to hijack the church then when it is merely “affiliated”, it is not license, due process, and the absence of fraud and arbitrariness must prevail in exercising the reversion clause…even the C&MA Constitution states this. For a complete report on the C&MA’s seizure of the Chinese church and the more recent seizure of another ethnic church and its even larger bank account by the C&MA which was a Vietnamese Boat People church in Long Beach, California, and the investigation of C&MA VIce President John Soper, contact rock.salt@verizon.net

    The Vietnamese hostile takeover story will be in an upcoming issue of District Weekly in Long Beach, California. Update: On September 22, 2008, Daniel Nguyen, former members of the Vietnamese “Boat People” Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, Long Beach, California filed criminal fraud charges against the Christian & Missionary Alliance in Long Beach, California. For independent verification and a copy of the filing, contact:

    Sr. Inv. Randal McNary
    L.A. County District Attorney
    201 N. Figueroa Street
    Ste 1500
    Los Angeles, CA 90012
    213-580-8733 (o)
    213-202-5954 (f)
    213-379-2044 (c)

    Full report of Christian & Missionary Alliance denomination hijacking of Reedsville Christian and Missionary Alliance Church is available at:


    Once again, the Christian and Missionary Alliance has trashed the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution Freedom of Religion by snatching and poaching church properties and bank accounts and rendering victims into villains and villains into heroes.

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