Ken Blanchard, Rick Warren and Richard Abanes birds of a feather

June 23, 2008


Richard Abanes in his Blanchard Bashers article states this.

“First, Ken Blanchard is no New Ager”

Then later on the same page Richard states this-


2008 Update

NOTE & WARNING:Concerns over Ken Blanchard’s doctrinal views, spiritual discernment, and personal/professional associations with false teachers (most notably, New Agers) have continued to be voiced by many individuals. And, much to my disappointment and surprise, I have received information (c. March 24, 2008) that seems to suggest, at least at first glance, that there might indeed be an ongoing serious problem with Blanchard’s ability to discern biblically sound individuals from persons who are known enemies of the cross of Christ. Therefore, in the coming months, I plan on carefully reviewing the material I have obtained. My findings will be made  public after a careful examination of these documents. Until then, I would urge Christians to be extremely cautious when it comes to Blanchard’s teachings, being especially mindful of any books, teaching tapes, videos, individuals, or organizations being supported by his name (either through an endorsement, foreword, or review). My hope is to complete ASAP a thorough investigation of the situation, including a look into what has transpired over the last few years between Blanchard and Watchman Fellowship (i.e., the ministry that was supposed to be overseeing his spiritual growth in the area of discernment and doctrine).


This is brand new  from Lighthouse Trails here is the link to read the rest of the article

Here is a excert from this article


And now for the twist: To make a long story short, in 2005 Lighthouse Trails issued a report titled “Rick Warren teams up with New Age guru Ken Blanchard”. Our report, while fully documented and accurate, brought on a barrage of response from Rick Warren and Saddleback, including a letter from Warren to Lighthouse Trailsdenying the connection, phone calls and emails from two Saddleback leaders, numerous letters sent out from Saddleback calling Lighthouse Trails evil and liars, and an accusation from Saddleback, saying that Federal agents believed that Lighthouse Trails may have broken into their computer server. In addition, there was an effort to discredit George Mair, a biographer who wrote a testament of praise in his book A Life with Purpose but who inadvertently connected Rick Warren with Ken Blanchard.

All this to say that Rick Warren and Ken Blanchard had made plans to work together to implement the global P.E.A.C.E. Plan (read transcript).But since our report and since Warren denied the connection, little has publicly been done between Blanchard and Warren.(1) But that has changed. On the New York City Leadership’s “National Advisory Board,”which incidentally is a brand new organization (according to the phone call we had this week), sits, among others, Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, and Ken Blanchard.(2) We were told that Blanchard’s role is to help develop programming for area pastors and leaders. For those who are not familiar with Blanchard’s promotion of eastern style mysticism and numerous New Age authors, we encourage you to study the matter on our research site, in which we provide solid documentation. Blanchard, who claims to have become a Christian in the mid-eighties, has even up until recently shown a propensity toward mysticism, and his involvement with a process called the Hoffman Quadrinity Process (a New Age belief system), leaves no doubt as to where Blanchard stands on these spiritual matters. Of the Hoffman Process, Blanchard says, “The Hoffman Process brings forth spiritual leadership in a person” and “It made my spirituality come alive.”2In a 2007 book titled Little Wave and Old Swell, a book that is “Inspired by Hindu Swami Paramahansa Yogananada,” Blanchard has written a glowing foreword! end of excerpt

Read more on Ken Blanchard and Little Wave and Old Swell here

Here is Warrens own endorsement of his comrades in arms From the New York City Leadership Center website.

The heartbeat of the Center’s vision is to train regional leaders, collaborate globally with church movements, and to replicate this vision in other cities around the world.  For this reason, I’m honored to be a member of the National Advisory Team along with other respected colleagues.”

Rev. Rick Warren, Senior Pastor

Saddleback Church – Lake Forest, CA




I had wondered why Richard Abanes put up a confusing ,cleverly worded warning. Indeed which Richard has now pretty much swept under the carpet in spite of the fact that he contacted Bud Press by email to ask Bud for more information on Ken Blanchard. Richard has now since blown off Bud on various websites when Bud asked Richard to follow up and keep his word about doing a follow up on Blanchard.

Here was a part of the exchange-

Hi Richard:

Speaking of going on to other things, now that your new book is done, and the “6-8″ week deadline you established is past, are you going to keep your word and make your findings on Ken Blanchard public? If so, when?

In Christian love,


You are not my father. You are not my mother. You are not my God. You are not my publisher. And you are not my parole officer. What on earth makes you think I’m supposed to be reporting to you and justifying my time management and life activities to you?

Please stop HARASSING me — and that’s what your doing now with your incessant emails & online posts.

I told you that I’d get to Ken Blanchard and make my report when possible, given my responsibilities. I’ve already begun the research, and have even posted a caution about him to persons visiting my website.

My book on Eckhart Tolle is finished, but my work on the project is not complete, contrary to your pestering me about my work being done and asking me if I’m going to keep my word (which has more than one not-so-subtle implication).

My 6-8 week estimation did not take into account more aspects of the book’s publication that have come up – and TBH, it’s none of your business what those added responsibilities are based on requests from the publisher.

So just go ahead and whatever you want to say about me on your website. Whatever I do or say won’t make a difference anyway. So, please just feel free invent some tantalizing conspiratorial scenario — here I’ll help.

Ken Blanchard, who is really my Uncle Kenny, called and pleaded with me to not expose his true New Age agenda, which is to teach the church how to Lead Like A New Age Jesus. And to bribe me, he deposited $30 million into a Swiss Bank account with the last 3 numbers being 666. I told him that this would be acceptable, and that I’d never say anything negative about his book endorsements or associations with new Agers as long as I not only got the cash, but also was promoted to the Regional Director of the Illuminati, complete with my own special “I” embroidered blazer, a coat of arms pin, and a direct special hot phone line to the Vatican.

There you go, Bud. A whole new article for you. -) You’re welcome. I wish you the best. And please, please, stop wasting your time emailing me — you’re most definitely top-listed now on my spam filter.

R. Abanes

Dear Richard:

I can’t believe you are saying this. I am amazed that you aren’t telling the whole story.

On March 11, 2008, I provided you with documented information on Ken Blanchard and his participation in the New Age Movement. In turn, you wrote and requested additional information, and said that if Ken Blanchard had not grown in discernment in two years, you would make your findings public–and in private to Rick Warren.

The information I provided proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Ken Blanchard is deeply involved in the New Age Movement. The list on your website demonstrates only a fraction of Blanchard’s participation in the New Age ( ).

As a result of the information I provided (at your request), on March 31 you posted a “NOTE & WARNING” on Ken Blanchard on your website at .

But in one particular e-mail, you wrote and said “DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN,” then wrote again days later and said, “I am starting to look at Blanchard today,” and requested further information.

I fully understand the responsibilities with your new book. No problem. But since March 11, those responsibilities didn’t stop you from spending an incredible amount of time posting lengthy messages in various blogs and dealing with New Agers on “YouTube.” Many of your blog posts had nothing to do with your new book.

Certainly, while you are entitled to your own opinion, please keep in mind that if you refuse to provide a statement on New Ager Ken Blanchard, your new book exposing New Ager Eckhart Tolle may not sit well with the body of Christ, your publisher, and online and walk-in Christian bookstores.

Ken Blanchard claims to be a “Christian,” but his involvement with and participation in the New Age Movement is dangerous to the spiritual welfare of the believer, as well as those searching for the real Jesus Christ.

Richard, I sent the information to you on Ken Blanchard out of love and concern for both you and your readers. I offered to talk with you over the phone, but you declined. I wasn’t “HARASSING” you, and you know that. I simply fulfilled your requests for information.

And for the record, I am not out to destroy you or your reputation. You are doing enough of that on your own. I will, however, hold you accountable, as the Lord leads.

With that in mind, your readers deserve to know the whole story on Ken Blanchard. You have my permission to link to or post any and all of my articles concerning Ken Blanchard on your website and blogs.

Furthermore and for the record, you have my permission to post ALL of our e-mail correspondence on your website and blogs–in their entirety, please.

Tell the whole story, Richard. Give your readers the opportunity to make-up their own minds. The documentation stands on its own. Truth will stand up to intensive investigation.

Finally, Richard, words mean a lot to me, and I am not afraid to hold people accountable for the things they say and do. A man’s word is his bond. I will honor your request. But at the same time, I will continue to remember you in my prayers. I will not shut the door on you. Should you have a change of heart, please feel free to contact me anytime, night or day.

In Christian love,
Bud Press, Director
Christian Research Service
Jude 3

Write what you want, Bud. Just write whatever it is you want to write. It doesn’t matter — to anyone of any importance.

Your emails will not be answered. Conversation over. I’ve already given you a good lead off for a new article (see above).


End of comments

The interesting thing is that Richard asked Bud Press for current information on Ken Blanchard in a email to Bud.

Bud supplied Richard with current information as Richard had requested.

Does Warren’s continued association with new age symaphizer Ken Blanchard have anything to do with this?

You decide.

Again I ask the question if Richard Abanes a reliable source of information?


Tim Wirth

For more information on this please click on the following links




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